For a Thousand Springs: A Poetic Memoir on Redefining Love, Intimacy, and Connection.

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This is a romantic memoir by myself, Norman Chella. I write creatively under the pen name N.T. Cloever, to close the chapter to an important part of my past.

Through writing, I explore the timeline of love and intimacy, from establishing connection to lust, muse, and expression. What happens when one gains it? And what happens when they lose it?

I recall the time period when I had memory loss, thinking in a constant state of death, and how I recover from such; reaching an infinity in my heart. As a result, I became a different person than when I suffered through these tumultuous times.

This book contains 3 types of mediums: The memoir, the prose, and the essays and notes. All are intertwined and interconnected, and you are free to read it in any way you desire.

Enjoy, and I hope my experience shares some wisdom with yours.

NOTE: This is currently the first edition, and is subject to an updated version later on in the future (eg. new chapters + an audio version free for current readers!).


N.T. Cloever is the creative pen name of Norman Chella, a Podcast Librarian. He writes at ThatsTheNorm, articulating wisdom in many forms. Creatively, Cloever is the Host and Narrator of Tempered Fables and Ants Under The Sun.

For more, visit ThatsTheNorm.

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This is a memoir exploring the different facets of romance, intimacy, and connection. You'll get the .epub and .pdf version of the book, as well as provide support for a future audio version of this book.

First-person memoir
Peek into my mind as I redefine my own relationship with love
Essays on Intimacy and Connection
Diagrams, fragmented notes, and transcripts using inner characters
Raw Vulnerability
Witness how I pour my heart out onto paper
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For a Thousand Springs: A Poetic Memoir on Redefining Love, Intimacy, and Connection.

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